Friday 19 December 2014, 9.34am
Not all traditions have to include family obligations and ill-conceived Kris Kringle gifts. Why not squeeze a trip to MPavilion into your Christmas Day schedule?
Everyday Coffee have just announced the chosen charity for their fundraising morning at the Everyday at MPavilion cafe this Thursday 25 December. From 9am to midday-ish, pay as you feel for your cup o’ joe (filter or espresso) and all takings will go to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
It's a tradition first established at Everyday's Collingwood HQ: last year, they raised $1754.15 before lunchtime! According to our recent enquiries (read: snooping), this year's baked goods menu will include stollen, gingerbread and Bakewell & Co mince pies.